VoiceTube 整理幾個有關夏天大家容易犯錯的英文句子,把這些學起來,下次使用英文更到位!

太陽好大 ≠ The sun is so big today.

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An Ohio man who posted a video of himself petting cougars at a Columbus zoo appealed no contest to a trespassing charge on Wednesday and has to spend two days in jail and pay more than $200 in fines, court documents said.

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The Price is Right
將年薪「九成」霸氣分給員工的 CEO!

Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, announced he would lower his annual salary from US$1 million to US$70,000 so his employees could make the same. 「地心引力付款公司」的總裁丹•普萊士宣布將他一百萬美元的年薪減為七萬美元,好讓他的員工也能賺到年薪七萬美元。
Price commented that his goal was not to just make money, but to make a difference in people's lives. 普萊士表示他的目標不只是賺錢,還要改善人們的生活。
Now, employees of the Seattle-based company will see their salaries increase over the next three years. 現在,這所西雅圖公司的員工在接下來的三年將會看到他們的薪水增加。
Many Gravity Payments employees were quite excited by the news with some stating that they could finally afford to move out of their parents' homes. 許多「地心引力付款公司」的員工對此消息感到很興奮,有些人說他們終於可以買得起自己的房子以搬出父母的家。
Additionally, Price explained that his decision will also be good for business. 此外,普萊士也說明他這個決定將對事業有幫助。
Since his announcement, Gravity Payments has received thousands of requests from people wanting to support its business.自從他做了宣佈以來,「地心引力付款公司」已接獲數千位民眾表態要支持其業務。

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歷經21天、近3,400公里的環法自行車賽(Tour de France),在英國Sky車隊的Chris Froome車手,奔馳通過巴黎香榭麗舍大道終點線之後結束,而他則是披上象徵總冠軍榮耀的黃衫(yellow jersey)。


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No.1 Hiberdating 有異性没人性
Definition : means dating in the winter months, or the situation that someone ignores all their other friends when they are dating a boyfriend/girlfriend. The second meaning is more popular. The word hiberdating is a blending of the word "hibernating" and "dating", which means a person is in a state of inactivity (hibernating) among friends when dating someone.

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會議進行到一半,外籍同事Wilson忽然轉頭小聲告訴志明他必須去 ”answer call of nature”,由於接下來就輪到他們這個部門上台做簡報,志明很不希望Wilson離席,忍不住追問:”Who’s calling you?Could you call him back after the presentation?” 只見對方面有難色,說了句:”Sorry, I really need to relieve myself. I’ll be right back.” 就迅速走出去,留下志明一臉困惑…...

”call of nature” 可不是什麼大自然的呼喚,”relieve oneself” 也不是放輕鬆一下,這兩個用語都是「上廁所」的文雅說法:

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新聞:威爾斯美語多元主題 即學即用超好評!


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《中英對照讀新聞》Cruise back with more stunts in "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation" 更多特技的阿湯哥在「不可能的任務-失控國度」中回來了


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minions  《小小兵》(Minions)是今年暑假的動畫大片,此片因2010、2013 年的電影《神偷奶爸》(Despicable Me)系列票房亮眼所推出的「外傳」。
英文片名Minions 取得很妙,minions讓人立刻聯想到與「小」有關的字根“mini",例如迷你裙miniskirt、最小值minimum。不過事實上,minion的原義與「小」無關,其字根也非mini,它是指只遵守主人命令的僕卒,讀作[ˋmɪnjən],可見取英文片名的作者刻意以minions的前四個字母讓人聯想到「小」。另有一說,minions是mignon(小巧玲瓏)一字的俏皮雙關語,而中文片名《小小兵》更是妙譯!

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It’s about to turn winter. And winter is a wonderful season to go to a hot spring.


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